ver. 1.6.1

Online converter contact2.db to vCar


We have collected answers to the most frequently asked questions from you.

We do not sell, trade or transfer personal data to third parties!
Despite the fact that the service is free and provided as is, we guarantee the confidentiality of your data. All uploaded DBs and converted Vcards are automatically deleted once every 30 minutes. Garbage is added to the name of DB and Vcard. Ready Vcard can be loaded only by knowing the name of the file...
Android contacts are stored in the device memory in the file contacts2.db at /data/data/com.android.providers.contacts/databases/
Unfortunately, we do not provide any consultations, neither for the repair of mobile equipment, nor for the recovery of information from damaged media.
The project lives off one sponsor UnlockMarket.ru and your donations. If you would like to support us, please use the form below:
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Do you repair mobile devices? Meet the Telegram bot from UnlockMarket.ru for checking and unlocking Xiaomi, Apple, Samsung, Huawei. Instant checkers Xiaomi, iPhone, Samsung.

Telegram Bot UnlockMarket UnlockMarket.ru

Online converter contact2.db to vCard

Choose file and click convert

Choose contacts2.db

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Restored contacts


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Successful generations

© UMCrew and dj-avtosh 2024 DB2VC.ru